Virtual sex games for android
Virtual sex games for android

virtual sex games for android

This might come to a surprise to many people, but Google doesn't have the monopoly on what apps you can install on your phones.

virtual sex games for android

You don't need the App Store to download sex games Who would like their children to play the new trendy game "Fistnite" or "Fuckcraft". What a shame!? They already had a lot of issues regarding borderline content on their video platform YouTube and they have been trying very hard to keep any type of adult content away from their App Store to protect the integrity of children. If big companies like Valve recently allowed the publication of adult games on its platform Steam, which looks like a middle finger to its politically correct competition that are more "family friendly", Google has not yet complied to enter the very lucrative world of adult entertainment.

virtual sex games for android

Sexual content is obviously dedicated to a +18 mature audience and the Play Store does not fit in these rules. So why Google does not allow sex or porn apps and games on the App Store? Well it's rather simple. How to download sex games on the Android Play Store (Scroll further down for iOS!) Google doesn't allow sex games on Play Store.

Virtual sex games for android